Photo by C.J. de Vries ©
Nisyros is a quiet paradise. When many island resorts are being over run by tourists, traffic and commerce, Nisyros remains as an unspoiled haven of peace and tranquility. Nisyros possesses the clear water beauty of the Aegean sea coupled with a small village atmosphere. There are no busy intersections only small coastal and mountain roads. All year round it offers spectacular vistas. Nisyros is the place to come when you seek peace, tranquility and rejuvenation.
The following articles have been contributed by visitors to this site:
Please feel free to submit your own writings
or photos.
Email these to paul@nisyros.net
Note: your email must have the phrase "I Love Nisyros" in it to make it past my spam filter
September 2021 - Genealogical Writings of Nick Zachary
The following are documents in this collection
Geneolgy Letter.pdf
Irene's Dream.pdf
Nisirian Memories.pdf
Nisyrian Website letter.pdf
July 2019 - The Nisyros Genealogical Society Begins
Please join us on the new Facebook group called "Nisyros Genealogical Society" where we collaborate on our family trees
Click Here to go to the Facebook Group
July 2018 Interview with Nick Sfakianos regarding my great grandfather Nikolas Theodoridou
These videos were shot by myself, Paul B. Campanis and my father Dr. Paul Campanis
Click Here to view Videos
June / July 2014 A few videos from Nisyros
These videos were shot by myself, Paul B. Campanis and my father Dr. Paul Campanis
Click Here to view Videos
May 2012 Life is Good on Nisyros
Please email me with your news and stories about Nisyros.
The email link is at the bottom of this page.
Over the years it has been so good to publish this site with all of your stories.
Keep the news coming in.
April 2009 Video from Uttam-Kumar Thangiah
Kumar, as we call him, and I became aquainted on our last trip to Nisyros. Recently he sent a movie that he produced and we post it for your enjoyment. The video is entitled "NISSYROS IN RAAG DES"
Click Here to view Kumar's Video
March 2009 John G. Phillips Foundation
The John G. Phillips Foundation Scholarship Foundation is accepting applications. Please go to the site and read about this wonderful man who has left a very practical legacy.
Click Here visit the site
January 2007 Barry and Enfys Hankey's Story
We met Barry and Enfys on the path from Evangelistra to Emborios. They were looking into a cave in the side of a cliff as we approached.
Barry would soon plunge himself into the darkness and give us all
a detailed description of the hidden treasures that lay within.
Later we discovered that Barry had recently emailed me and that he wanted to tell folks about the island and share his photos. So we
have here his story about Nisyros along with many photos. We thank them for sharing and hope that you enjoy!
Click Here to read Barry's story
Click Here to see Barry's photos
June 2006 Campanis Trip to Nisyros
This June 2006 our family made a trip to Nisyros. We had many spectacular adventures that we would like to share with you at the following link.
Please send us photos and stories about your adventures!
Click Here to See Photos
Beate and Dr. Juergen Franke's walking map. For hikers we recommend this map. Thanks to the publishers for making their painstaking work and efforts to make this possible.
Click Here to Maps
January 2005 A Poem
Thanks to Cornelis for his poem that helps me get out of this dreadful rainy winter and into a special place in my heart. Click Here to view
September 2004 More Photos
Bill Sakellaridis contributed some more interesting photos from the early 1900's.
Some of these have important historical significance.
Click Here to view
September 2004 Post Card from John Campanis in 1911
Bill Sakellaridis contributed an old and rare postcard that gives us some insight into what life was like in North America for those that left Nisyros.
Click Here to view postcard
September 2004 We have finally finished renovations to my Grandfather's house!
We actually finished in June but I am just seeing the photos now. My grandfather's house was built in Mandraki in about 1930. Since about 1984 it has been empty and fallen into considerable disrepair. Now you can see some photos of the finished property:
Click Here For PHOTOS
This property is available as a vacation rental and sleeps 6.
Special thanks to Loula, my wife and my father. Thanks also to Ed for the photos.
August 2004 Photos Contributed by Bill Sakellaridis
A special thanks to Bill for sending old family photos and preserving these treasures for generations to come.
"Children of Mandraki 1950" and
"A few good men 1947"
January 2004 Gnomagoras Society
This year the Gnomagoras
Society Celebrates 100 Years of dedication to our Greek-American community
in the United States and our beloved island of Nisyros.
January 2004 Paul B. Campanis
Second Edition of A Greek Family Odyssey is published by Paul B.
Special thanks to my cousin Irene and Nick Sfakianos for all their help
with photos and stories.WEB
version and MS
Word 2000 version (9meg/big file)
Note: These files may be quite large and take more time to download.
2003 Cornelis de Vries
Cornelis publishes his story about Nisyros. Cornelis has published great works about the Island in two recent books and is an amazing photographer. Included in his story are photos, poems and prose.
"Click here for Cornelis' Story"
September 2003 Paul B. Campanis
Two new Book reviews
History and Architecture of an Aegean Island
Nymph of the Aegean
2003 Paul B. Campanis
Old Home- We have finally completed work on the renovation of my great
grand parents house. This work began over 28 years ago and with the help
of many people we can say that it is completed. The article entitled "This
Old Home" is a guide to others who would like to renovate property
on Nisyros.
2003 Christos Christou
Christos Christou Jr. published the Georgakis-Stamathis
Family Genealogy. This work details the people in these families since
the late 1800's. Thanks Christos for contributing such a tremendously
important work. Download Rich Text Format Here.
Christos can be reached at abcgenealogy@comcast.net
should you have more information for him.
June 2003 Paul B. Campanis
First Edition of A Greek Family Odyssey is published by Paul B. Campanis
Special thanks to my father and Nick Sfakianos for all their help with
photos and stories.
version and MS
Word 2000 version (7meg/big file)
Note: These files may be quite large and take more time to download.
February 2003 Paul B. Campanis
Nisyrian Family
Photo Album goes online.
Please send pictures to paul@nisyros.net
Special thanks to Nick Sfakianos for all his help with translation and
February 2003 Emanuela Sanna
Long lost family member
These people are looking for a son of Emanuele Patta.
January 2003 Dean Contover
The Genealogy
of the Contover Family. This has been contributed by Dean Contover.
December 2002 Ed and Georgio Prothero
Ed and Georgia Prothero update
their story.
Thank you Ed and Georgia for sharing your adventures.
November 2002 Daniel
Daniel Sangermano
and Daniel Sartain Create Nisyros School Exchange at
Thank you Daniel. We look forward to seeing your content as you complete
September 2002 Norbert Haley
Norbert Haley shares some
photos from his recent trip
Thanks Norbert
September 2002 Artin Caracasian
Artin Caracasian
Learn about a resident Artist who enriches the Nisyrian experience and enables everyone to take a piece of Nisyros back to their home.
April 2002 Paul B. Campanis
Campanis Genealogy Research
See My Family Tree. We are looking for more information on the Greek side.
March 2002 Paul B. Campanis
Ellis Island Documentation. This
is a free site with ship manifests that document Nisyrian arrivals in
New York City.
2001 Kostas Kampanis
Kampanis revised his Greek site on Nisyros. Kostas is a relative of mine
and has done a great job building a site in Greek.
Please feel free to submit your own writings
or photos.
Email these to paul@nisyros.com
Note: your email must have the phrase "I Love Nisyros" in it to make it past my spam filter